Thursday, August 23, 2007

Some days it is hard

So I've had this horrible cold for the past three days (no improvement at all) and that has been pretty bad trying to get stuff done at work and get ready to go to Burning Man. So today things get worse: I severely broke my left big toe to the point that I need surgery to fix it. I am still planning to go away, but everything is different now...and I'll probably have surgery as soon as I'm back.

Trying to stay positive...


Vickie said...

I know what breaking a little toe feels like - can't imagine pain from big one. Hope you can still have a good time. The past year has gone so fast - seems like you were just a Burning Man last year. I remember the funny pix.

Grumpy Chair said...


I sorry about your broken toe, but hope you can bear the pain and still enjoy your vacation.

Thora said...

Oooh Burning Man?? Awesome! Do you plan on giving a trip report (pun intended...? ;)) with pics when you get back?

Have fun and remember the water and sunscreen :)

PS that really sucks about your toe. I think I've broken my little one(s) before and it was not pleasant.

Vickie said...

I told my husband that I dreamt I was there, at Burning Man with you. He asked if it was a good dream. I said - Too many people and I couldn't find you, but you loved it and were laughing and laughing. Then he asked what Burning Man WAS - and I said - actually I have no idea but the pictures were very funny and it involves having a van of some type.

Cindy said...

Wow, so sorry about the toe. I have broken many, more than once but never had to have surgery. I hope you are doing okay. Keep us posted. I hope you are doing better.

Lori G. said...

Crap! I thought you were at burning man and I didn't check your site. DAMN! I'm so sorry about the toe. It's hard to balance yourself with a broken toe.

I hope you have a great time in spite of it.

Vickie said...

If you are wondering how Helen is doing, like I have been, here is a copy of the note she e-mailed me this week:

"I haven't had any time to catch up
on anything since we just got home on Tuesday night and I had surgery yesterday morning. Am in quite a lot of pain today, but meds are helping and I hope to be back at work on Monday. I am hooked up on wifi (laptop) so I'm able to catch up a little, but I don't know how long it will take for me to get back to blogging!"

She sent pictures of her toe - REALLY serious break and pretty extensive surgery from the looks of it.