Monday, February 19, 2007


DB's grandson, Torin, was born this evening at 4:39 pm. He weighs 8 lbs. and is 21 inches long. To quote his big sister, Emily, he is "the most beautiful baby you ever saw". (She didn't see her sister Charlie until Charlie was at least a few days old , so this was a biggee getting to see her little brother when he was so new.)

His mother, DB's daughter, looked absolutely beautiful this evening when we saw her less than an hour after Torin's birth. To quote DB, she was "serene, calm, loving, a mother, a daughter, a partner, beautiful". It's hard for me when I think about her pain today (she didn't get to have an epidural so this baby was her first "natural" with no pain medication)...but I celebrate her strength and womanliness!

Despite loving children perhaps more than an actual parent can, I will never have children of my own. I made this decision very consciously several years ago...not without some sorrow, not without real thought and decision. And somehow I have received this miracle in my life of being able to share DB's children and grandchildren. I am allowed to share this beautiful family that DB has created. I am allowed to love these daughters of his...who are beautiful women. I am allowed to love these beautiful grandchildren (fun to say that instead of granddaughters only!). And I am graced to offer myself to them to love in return.

Until the birth of DB's last grandchild (Charlie, a little girl who is now 2 and today became a big sister!), I had never seen a baby who was mere minutes or hours old. I will never forget that. It is a life experience that perhaps I would not have had without DB and his unbelievably welcoming daughters/family. My beloved niece (Martha) and nephew (Jasper) live in NYC and I saw them weeks or months after they were born (which does not diminish my absolute adoration of them!). I am so grateful to DB's family for sharing a whole different aspect of family than I have previously been able to experience. My love for them for sharing all this with me swells my heart with JOY. :-)

My BEAUTIFUL mother also contributed today -- I was away from my homestead for a lot longer than expected and wasn't able to do injections for my severely diabetic cat Gus for way too long. She, with no notice, jumped in her car and drove 1/2 hour up to make sure he had his water (and that Doglet was also A-OK after a night alone -- don't worry, he has a doggie door so is pretty self-sufficient for 24 hours). FAMILY. Love it. :-)

Tonight, on the way home, after many hours of waiting (Torin arrived -- at a minimum -- 6 hours after we thought he would!), Emily and I sang "Happy Birthday" to Torin...and to at least 30 other members of our joint family. I think this is a fitting celebration of the birth of this sweet new member of our family...we celebrate BIRTHDAYS. And today is Torin's. :-) Happy Birthday to you, Torin. You have a very big extended family who loves you and is so happy to welcome you to the world. We can't wait to get to know you!! ;-)

And for my dear DB (who is even now exhausted and sleeping with Torin's two big sisters)...I have no words to really express the feelings in my heart. This beautiful family from the fruit of your loins...I am honored to be a part of it. I am honored to be accepted by such beauty.

Food stuff: two meals in one day at Jack In The Box were not the highlight of the weekend. And that's all I'll say about that. ;-)

Muchmuchmuch more to write about later (and I'll even post some photos if I can figure out how)...but these are the first reactions I really wanted to get down TODAY. Torin's Birthday. Beautiful.


Vickie said...

How wonderful for all of you - new borns are so sweet - enjoy him and his sisters - you are very lucky!

Grumpy Chair said...

Being in the room right after the birth is such a wonderful experience.