Or "Why Are Bad Things So Much Easier To Get Into Than Out Of?"
This morning after I weighed in (yuck), I was thinking of what to write today and, at the same time, I was listening to the President talk about how he plans to get us out of Iraq. A thought became very clear to me as I listened to his timetable and remembered his strong opposition to this horrible war: he wants the bad stuff to be over very much, but it can't happen in a day.
Of course, this reminded me of my current struggle to get back on the wagon as far as what I put in my mouth. I want this period of fatitude to be over very much, but it can't happen in a day. However, I have to start somewhere...and that's where President O is doing better than me. He's starting. I'm struggling.
It also occurred to me during the speech that it was oh-so-easy for our last administration to dive into this horrible war. No one stopped them. They had no shame. They wanted it and they got it. And we got the consequences.
This is very similar to the gain I've had over the past couple of months -- it was oh-so-easy for me to fall back into bad eating and drinking habits. No one stopped me (including me...the only one who CAN). I did (and do) have shame, but I wanted all that stuff I put in my mouth and I got it. And I got the consequences.
It seems like the war started very fast. So did my fall. And we were in deep. I was too. Now the country is faced with how to extricate itself from this abyss. And I'm faced with how to extricate myself from mine. Like going to war, gaining back the weight happened so much faster than taking it off will.
So...this is my own private war. And I have got to find the resolve to finish it.
Not sure if I've communicated my metaphor very well here, but this is what resonated with me today on the micro- and macro-levels.
I got back to better eating and all my usual exercise this week...and it did not make ANY difference. My weight this morning was virtually the same as last week when I ate like a pig and didn't exercise at all. What is that about?! IT SUCKS. Hard not to fall into hopeless-land with these facts...
DB has been gone in Nearby Town this week and that is never fun. He is coming back today (a day early -- yay! -- because 4 of his 5 sibs are up there right now) and I couldn't be happier. Well, I could be...if I felt skinnier which, of course, equals sexier in my head...
Tomorrow I am joining a new gym (I can't afford my old one anymore...went for the last time last night), then we are going to a performance by a friend who is a musician. Sunday I'm hopefully going to try to...rollerblade!! My assistant has been rollerblading to and from work lately and loving it and she has lost a noticeable amount of weight (she's 27, of course, but...). Yesterday she convinced me to try on her rollerblades and I agreed just to show her that I couldn't, NO WAY, even stand up in them. Surprise, surprise...I could! And I could get around without falling...on carpet. I think I'm ready to try something a little more roll-y. If I could find some exercise that I can do and LOVE (like yoga -- which I still can't do right now), that would be SO great. And where I live is PERFECT for rollerblading. But we'll see...
Wish me luck!! :-)
when she was pushing you to try this - did she understand about your back? and did she understand that you just got your foot and arm back?
my husband - who has NOTHING wrong with him - received blades from his mom for his birthday - and returned them saying he was not willing to risk an injury and then not be able to do other sports.
seems like this might be risky
think of how you feel now - about having to dig yourself out of your situation - and then think how you would feel in the same circumstances - but immobilized with an injury. . .
computer is going in for annual check up - my posts are set to automatically pop up - but I (me, myself, I) will not be on for several days.
Been catching up on your posts. I loved the yearly exam giggle! I relate to the addict's mind. For me it is the issue of reality and the here and now. The thinking tends to take a step or two either way from reality. The bright and the dark. If I stay in the here and now I do better. I too had a gain since Thanksgiving. Ten to fifteen pounds depending on my fluctuation point. So I am getting back to basics but it's a daily deal. People at work are bringing food all the time. Funny how we comfort with food. Even my boss is doing it, bringing breakfast, buying lunch. I loved your posts. Hang in there, you will get the excess off, we just have to go back to the Drastic. The good old Drastic. I loved the Drastic.
Be careful with the roller blading...
I totally agree with the war metaphor, It's easier to get into trouble....
Totally understand your metaphor. It's a good one. I feel like I'm going to absolutely win this war, but right now I'm losing a lot of battles. Sigh.
Rollerblading.... I did that in my mid 20s, and damn it is hard & yes you can fall really stinking easily. I suppose if you are an ice skater you could naturally transition to roller blades. Stopping is stupidly hard. Hills are terrifying (have I mentioned I'm a total scaredy cat?). And turning is a real trick. AND you've got to have super smooth pavement for it to feel good, unless the wheel technology has improved in the past 15 years, which is obviously very possible.
So, I won't discourage you completely, and since you are a skiier you might be better suited to roller blading than the rest of us. You will sure look cute in your knee & elbow pads & helmet! I had plenty of natural butt padding, LOL, but it still hurt when I fell.
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