Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The desert is great for a cold...

...and not so great for watching what I eat!!! My cold virtually disappeared out in the dryness of the desert over the weekend...and came back (less bad though) when we got back on Sunday. But despite taking a lot of healthy food, I managed to overeat due to the kindness and generosity of our fellow Burner-campers. Oh well...maybe some of that was worked off by putting up and taking down our tent...right? ;-)

The weekend was a blast -- in some ways more fun than actual Burning Man! Only a 3-hour drive instead of 12, only 2 days instead of 8, only a tent to set up instead of a whole camp, only 400 people instead of 50,000, etc. Much EASIER, I guess I meant to say. And we camped with a great group of warm and inviting and so many fun chats and stories. PLUS I got to actually read my Twilight book (I'm about half-way through the third one now). All in all a great weekend (except the part where DB left on Sunday night for his week in Nearby Town). :-)

Back on the wagon this week and thinking a lot about how I relate to everything in a non-moderate way. This is not a revelation, but just something I'm thinking about for the umpteenth time. I am trying to figure out if I can be happy with abstinence from certain things (like "you can never eat/drink [blank] again") like I am with abstinence from smoking. I wonder this because there are just certain things where my mind says "if one is good, ten is better and it makes me HAPPY". Eeek...if that's not an addictive personality, I don't know what is. I have thought several times in the past that I have come to terms with this very issue/question, but it continues to rear it's ugly head and say "not so fast!". Still more to learn here, I guess...

At least my body is feeling good and sore after the gym last Cindy, I love that feeling. :-)


Vickie said...

Do you have to think 'never again' or can you just think - 'not today'?

glad you had a good time - that size camping does sound like more fun - maybe less drama, but more fun.

Lori G. said...

It's interesting you bring that up; it's something that occurred to me this morning. I have a Dora the Explorer ball (long story but it's about my knee) and I thought about giving it to someone who has no space. I realized she would take it despite that because "who knows when someone would give something like that to her again" and maybe that's how we are. We think, "We'll never see this again." I also agree with you; if one is good, then 10 must be FABULOUS!

I'm really glad you had a great time. And no dust storms at this one, right?