Thursday, March 29, 2007

What a day...

Just home after hours in ER then settling my mom in...she fell after getting off the elevator at her place and then took ambulance to hospital. She now has a beautiful purple and red left side of her face, chip off her left elbow and a crack in her left wrist. She had a CT scan of her brain and they did find she still has one! Also Xrays of her left cheek -- bone not broken, but probably some blood in the sinus (they see fluid in there). Meds have toned the pain down. We hope to see an orthopedic guy tomorrow (she can't get a real cast until the swelling goes down). Not great for me having to miss work after so much lately with my own sickiness, but fortunately things seem like they were slow today after I had to get out of there.

It's hard when our parents start getting more brittle...I'm bushed...didn't make the gym tonight and my knee is the worse for it. :-(


Vickie said...

Glad it wasn't worse - tell her "hi" and "get better soon"

Make sure - when she gets out of the cast (I realize it isn't even on yet)- that they do therapy with her - to get stiffness out - very important! You might have to ask for them to write script for Occupational or Physical (or both) therapy.

Lori G. said...

Oh Helen, what a miserable day for you and an even worse one for your mom. That's very scary and she must be feeling terrible and afraid and very fragile.

I'm sorry you had to miss work, gym and see your poor mother like this. I would be very, very upset about it too.

Hang in there and I hope her sinuses are better. That sounds bad.

(My mother has had bad feet for years; she told me that she wouldn't let me know if she fell unless "it was really serious." I was quite appalled. What are you gonna do with a mother like that?)