Friday, June 6, 2008

Moral of the Story

On Tuesday, when I crawled back up on the scale after 10 days, my weight was up 7.8 pounds from pre-vacation. On Wednesday, after just one day of being back on the wagon, my weight was down 3 pounds. Today, on my official weigh-in day, I am exactly 3 pounds over what I weighed the day before vacation (so a "loss" of 4.8 pounds since Tuesday). The moral of this story? GET BACK ON THE WAGON right away and the damage will be mitigated! I am truthfully thrilled to be only 3 pounds over my lowest weight today after eating and drinking anything and everything for over a week. And, most importantly, I am happily back on the wagon, my "skinny" clothes are fitting comfortably again, and I am on my way DOWN again. :-)

This is a very very good lesson for me to remember (I've been through it a few times in the past few months since starting The Drastic): when I "screw up", it only would make it worse just to keep on eating/drinking badly. For some reason, this has always been hard for me to remember -- I am very good at the self-talk of "well, you already screwed up, you might as well enjoy that next bag of chips/martini, etc." So I must continually remind myself that overdoing for a short period of time is not fatal to the cause...I just have to get back to The Drastic...which I am about ready to start calling The Normal because THIS is how I think people at healthy weights with healthy attitudes about food eat...when they overeat, they get back to good eating rather than sliding down that "just one more won't hurt" slope.

I'm gradually getting back to normal in other areas of my life -- the pile on my desk at work is bigger than it has been in a long time and I'm chipping away, personal life stuff (renewing home insurance, getting life insurance for DB, paying bills) that was put on hold for vacation needs attention, and I'm working hard on a "trip report" which I am gradually posting at (I'll post a link here when it's all done so anyone who is interested can go read trip details and see photos, but if you want to read it in-progress, you can find it there now). I still miss Tulum...or, more probably, the ultra-relaxed lifestyle we had there...

This weekend will be our usual whirlwind -- dinner tonight with a Burner friend from Austin, yoga seminar on How To Heal Your Knees With Your Yoga Practice for over 3 hours tomorrow, then Venice's Carnavale with some friends. Sunday will be DB family day: a Pampered Chef party for that charity that I was working on earlier this year with one of his daughters then a party at the other daughter's house to celebrate pre-school graduation for one of the granddaughters and high school graduation for the step-grandson.

I'm gradually catching up with all of you and, in that way, it's good to be HOME. :-)


Vickie said...

I think you might call it

my healthy normal

because that is what it is.

I received your pics on e-mail but it wouldn't let me IN for some reason. I will have oldest look and see if he can tell what i am doing wrong.

Laura N said...

What a great pic of the two of you in the hammock.

3 lbs is so not a big deal. How excellent. You'll get the rest of it off in no time. That 3 hours of yoga will probably do it! Hope you have a fab weekend.

Anne M. said...

Welcome home! Glad you had a wonderful vacation and that you were able to get back on the wagon and mitigate those "vacation pounds" by showing them who's the boss.

Cindy said...

Isn't it great to mitigate? That is probably the single most important principle I practice. It's part of my "never give up" attitude. I get back into the normal/healthy/drastic right away. This enables me to have a "play meal" once in a while. I have studies weight loss programs for years and found that some have "free days" or "play meals" and if you go back to your regular program, it doesn't hurt to enjoy. When every I bump up, it's usually no more than three pounds, and it deflates as soon as I have a couple normal days. I like calling the drastic the normal. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself on the trip, and ate/drank what you enjoyed. For me I can't handle the idea of never having a treat.